Berthoud Weekly Surveyor: FoCo Roller Derby offers many options for participants

By Shelley Widhalm | The Surveyor

Before joining FoCo Roller Derby, Meagan Brockmeier of Berthoud hadn’t skated before, and she soon realized she didn’t like getting hurt.

So Brockmeier decided to be a jam referee, working the center of the rink while the other players compete.

Photo by Shelley Widhalm – Meagan Brockmeier of Berthoud is one of the referees for FoCo Roller Derby based in Fort Collins. She poses July 11 in downtown Berthoud wearing some of her gear, including her quad skates and swag sweatshirt with the team logo and her team number of 27.

“I don’t actually play derby,” Brockmeier said. “I’m an official. I’m not out there getting hit. I realized I didn’t enjoy getting hit. When you do get hit, it can be painful.”
