Urkk'n Derby

Urrk’n Derby: Roller Derby Transitions

Step one of learning how to transition from front to back, I call it close open close. To develop more roller derby skills visit UrrknDerby.com

Urkk'n Derby

Urrk’n Derby: Roller Derby Foot Work across the track

Foot Work is important to help you get across the track from inside to outside without jumping up and down. To develop more roller derby skills visit UrrknDerby.com

Urkk'n Derby

Urrk’n Derby: Roller Derby T-Stops part 2

When learning to do a T-stop keep weight in front leg using outside edge, back leg should be lightly touching, don’t shift all your weight onto your back leg. Slowly put pressure evenly onto your back leg; and touch all 4 wheels to the ground. Once your comfortable with the light weight on your back […]

8-3: New Recruit Informational Meeting

Join FoCo Roller Derby to play the world’s fastest growing sport! Find out what it takes to play derby and how you can be a part of this AMAZING league!   We are looking for skaters ages 18+, officials (skating & non-skating) and volunteers.   Questions? Email: [email protected], or send us a message on Facebook.

6-22: New Recruit Informational Meeting

Join FoCo Roller Derby to play the world’s fastest growing sport! Find out what it takes to play derby and how you can be a part of this AMAZING league!   We are looking for skaters ages 18+, officials (skating & non-skating) and volunteers.   Questions? Email: [email protected], or send us a message on Facebook.

6-25: 1st Pride and Powerjams – Mini Mix-up Tournament

What’s this roller derby? Come and check out! Each and every age, gender and background are just perfect for roller derby. We’re collaborating with Northern Colorado Pride to provide a day of fun, hard-hitting roller derby action in this mix-up mini-tournament!   Join us for an afternoon packed with hard hits and fun times in […]

5-14: Car Wash – FoCo Roller Derby Fundraiser!

Come and let the members of FoCo wash your car and have some fun with us! This fundraiser will help our league fund upcoming events and travel for competition. Grease Monkey 1036 Oakridge Dr, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

5-11: New Recruit Informational Meeting

Join FoCo Roller Derby to play the world’s fastest growing sport! Find out what it takes to play derby and how you can be a part of this AMAZING league!   We are looking for skaters ages 18+, officials (skating & non-skating) and volunteers.   Questions? Email: [email protected], or send us a message on Facebook.

5-7: DOUBLE HEADER! Hometown Throwdown

Come early for an exciting JRDA game between Foco Spartans Junior Roller Derby and the Rocky Mountain Rollerpunks!   The challenge in Northern Colorado continues as the Slaughterhouse Derby Girls return to The Events Center for the 2nd game in a series of 4. Come cheer on your hometown superstars as we bring the battle […]

4-9: Blackout Bout – FoCo Punchy Brewsters vs High City Derby Divas

It’s gonna be a blackout! Come in your black attire to cheer FoCo’s Punchy Brewsters on as they challenge the High City Derby Divas from Aurora, CO to a night of hard hits on the flat-track at The Events Center.   Doors open at 6:30 PM   Online tickets are $10 at Brown Paper Tickets.. […]

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