CSU Journalism Video Project

Check out this AWESOME video project by Colorado State University student Allison Dyer Bluemel! Thank you JAllison for coming by to practice and sharing this film!

Mollytov Maguire’s Top 10 Derby Moments

Sometimes, in derby, conflict happens. This can be between players, between teams, between skaters and refs. Conflict is hard. I am not a fan. I don’t like to manage people, I don’t want to fight. I mean, I am Irish, so I kinda do but I know that it’s not really productive. I like it […]

The Showdown

The first week in March is designated each year for the Wild West Showdown, a round-robin style tournament that features a ton of hungry leagues looking to rise in rankings, and “showdown” is the perfect word to describe it.  We all show up, angry that the TSA confiscated our skate tools, wet (because in Bremerton, […]

Game Video – WWS 2014: FCGGD vs STDD

WWS 2014: Port Scandalous Roller Derby vs FoCo Girls Gone Derby

Game Video – WWS 2014: FoCo Girls Gone Derby vs Slaughterhouse Derby Girls

Right-Sizing your Derby Involvement

This week The Original Skankster and I sharing this little blog-o-sphere with a side-by-side piece about how we make derby fit our lives. I firmly believe that derby can be the right fit for everyone, and there are degrees to which you can be involved. From the intensity and glory of the Micro Bruisers to […]

Offical Review: Being Gay in Sports

The views expressed in this blog entry are the opinion and do not necessarily reflect or endorse the views of Foco Girls Gone Derby, the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association or any other sports entity. If you’ve If you’ve picked up a copy of the sports section lately, you might have accidentally confused it for […]

Roller Derby is (also) for Introverts!

I love people. I love watching them. I love listening to them (when they know I am listening and when they don’t). I don’t really love interacting with them though. As much I love being a part of social situations, I don’t really want to be social in them. I am like a cat in […]

Battle-ing Jamming

If you’ve ever read a roller derby blog then, inevitably, you’ve read about the dreaded jammer panty. Also known as the plague panty. If you’re unfamiliar, the jammer panty is the helmet cover that the jammer (point-scorer) wears on the track.  Think of it as a giant target plastered to your head. The reason behind […]

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